Monday, February 3, 2014

Experience at the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art

    So my class was preparing to go on the field trip, and i could think of was how boring a museum was going to be as a trip. I mean they get boring after a while right? After the bumpy bus ride we arrived at JCCC (Johnson County Community College). We hiked through the intense cold and wind into the nice warm building. After awkwardly eating with college kids we walked around the hallways looking at art until it was time for our tour begin. Old pots lined the hallways, but somethings caught my eye the abstract art and pictures in the hallways were amazing. They were a mix of modern and architecture art, they were fun to look at, the straight horizon lines and structural lines were perfect. Me being OCD straight parallel lines make me happy. After about fifteen minutes of wandering around the halls it was time for our tour.
     For the tour we were split into two groups one started upstairs one began downstairs. We saw many cool pieces but my favorite collection was  Kaw's Ups and Downs. The works were very well drawn with lots of color. What I liked about them the most was how they looked like computer generated cartoons, which being an aspiring animator I thought that was very cool and inspirational. He Had versions of Snoopy, the Michelin tire guy, and a statue of a resemblance of Mickey mouse, But not quite. They were all changed in different ways and he has never been sued. He is an amazing artist and a true inspiration. If you have the time to go check it out I highly recommend it.
     Another collection that caught my eye was Dylan Mortimer's Illuminate. These were giant wall hung variations of halos. As you walked up to the structure the sensor goes off and all the lights come on in a glorious display. the halos were a great place to take pictures, and many of my class mates did. After our long field trip we went back to school. on the way back i realized that wasn't boring at all, in-fact it was a lot of fun and i cant wait to go back and experience new collections.


  1. I like how you mentioned the different versions of Snoopy because that was one of my favorite things to! I also liked how you mentioned the illuminating walls. My favorite part was getting to turn the lights on and off.

  2. I really really can't read this type :(
